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-Bearded Creative Pioneer of the World of Tomorrow-

Sunday, April 11, 2010


So, our upstairs neighbors moved out, along with our reliable and free internet. It's been sporadic at best, thus making it hard to keep up with current events and my blog posts. And now, as I suddenly have access to my beloved blog, I'm having a hard time coming up with things to write about.

I realize that most of my writing is very dependent on my access to the internet. It didn't used to be. It was always sort of memoir-esque, but for whatever reason, that hasn't been coming out lately. I think that's because I know that my experiences of the last year will be a great source of material when I finally reach a point where I can look back without feeling like a total failure. Slowly, I'm able to make fun of it more and more, but until something really great comes along, there's going to be some pain in there that will be hard to deal with.

Haven't seen any new movies lately either. I've been far too busy. Last week I worked 60 hours and 52 the week before. UPS decided to lay me off again next week, but it will be a welcome break from a place that's trying to fire me. Hopefully some good writing comes next week.


  1. hang in there dude! something will come up!

  2. How about more musically oriented posts? Toss in some lala links for good measure.

