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-Bearded Creative Pioneer of the World of Tomorrow-

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hope for the future

Jack White and I have had an interesting relationship over the years. I was a gigantic fan of the White Stripes in high school, saw them live in 2004, then they kind of fell off my radar. The Raconteurs quickly took the spot on my Jack White-o-meter. Both albums are quite fantastic and am perpetually waiting for another. Then there was the White Stripes again...not as influential to me. THEN, there was The Dead Weather. Honestly? Not a fan. Like the concept of Jack White taking a back seat and being a drummer, but it doesn't work in practice. I'll give it a couple of years. His record label, Third Man Records, has gotten a lot of press as well. Still undecided about that. I almost forgot about the atrocity which was the James Bond song for Quantum of Solace with Alicia Keys. What a piece of garbage. But I have always admired White's passion for music, his recording ideals, and his general work ethic. An interesting man, to be sure.

And now this:

This solidifies the fact that Jack White does what Jack White wants and he is damn good at it. Check out the other song he performed that night too. Different band, different feel. I am extremely excited for White's first solo record Blunderbuss, due out this April. Jack White is still influencing young musicians, giving me hope for the future of music. More to come when the album comes out. It best meet my high expectations or I'll chase that pale man down to Wichita...